26. Nov, 2013

assessment results

🙂We had a general service plan completed and it gave us an incredible insight as to how life was for us as seen by others. sharing the findings...

Melissa is a delicate looking girl 74cm tall and wight 7kg (age 3). Prevention is the key in regard to infections - unwell people do not visit the home.  Many body functions are immature a major requirement is continual and ongoing care provided by her parents.  She is getting physically stronger, can roll over and sit up by herself.  Can rock quite violently identified as a behavioural problem.  Cannot crawl but loves her standing frame.  With increased mobility comes a need for increased food intake.  Safe seating required that will not encourage her to rock.  A scooter board used to encourage a crawling action.  Four meals throughout the day.  Wind, vomiting and constipation are three difficulties.  Melissa has normal 3 yr old's teeth - looking at an electric toothbrush.  Melissa cannot regulate her own temperature - needs to be carefully monitored.  Two bottles a day - uses small narrow bottles with very small teats.  Necessary to keep her stimulated or Melissa will fall asleep and disrupt her already difficult sleeping schedule. Nighttime getting to sleep very difficult often aftter midnight.  Melissa shows she knows what she wants/needs.  Needs interaction with other children to support development. Infection risks a concern.   Communicates non verbally.  Starting to take person's hand and guide it to what she wants and looks at what she wants.  Responds to her own name.  Responses are slower than other children - extra time needed to respond.