28. Mar, 2015

Sharing Information with Families

🙂 Yes Yes Yes.    We are all making a difference for families who may follow in our footsteps.

There are some great websites out there sharing important information.  Some I have noted are

Redefining Incompatible with Life ,   Trisomy Talk,  Trisomy Awareness - Krissy's story, 

Jump4Trisomy with many videos of children jumping for Trisomy Awareness

Trisomy 18 Foundation and Hope for Trisomy - just some of the many hoping to make a difference.  Well done all of you!  Our children do count!

8. Mar, 2015


Melissa had fun in her life - here is a photo of her many achievements

with assistance she stood, walked, used switch adapted toys, used a computer, went horse riding, swimming and above all enjoyed one on one play.

Many happy memories make up for the many challenges we were presented with!

8. Feb, 2015

assesssment results:

12.04.1990  Her 2 yr old assessment

Although Melissa does not like handling sand she is particularly interested in the bucket.

Two handed play going well i.e. –banging two blocks together

Plays with finger paint with hand over hand method.

NOTICES shiny silvery things – seems aware of red.

Good eye contact when being spoken to.

Copying some sounds immediately after you.

Expressing feelings with tones.

08.06.1990 assessment

Whole body action noted when Melissa claps her hands.

Effort made to ‘find’ fallen objects.

Looks for a toy in the basket.

Pleased with own achievenments

Standing for several minutes at the sofa with out assistance of others.

Range of sounds increasing.

Volumn control in vocalising.

Drinking small amounts from cup.

Assessment 18.09.1990

Melissa tuned into her environment.  She makes noise to get attention when a third person is in the room talking to Josie.

Melissa’s arms let her down in physical activity.

More curiosity apparent.

Good head control now.

Standing well at coffee table.

Long strings of babble.

Using some single words.

Taking interest in books and pictures.

Tactile stimulation required.

8. Feb, 2015

phenergan allergy

as I said I am going through old notes and realising all our children are different and do react differently felt it still important to share that Melissa aged 5 months had the medical alert information on her file * phenergan allergy* just some info I have come across.

29. Jan, 2015

photosensitivity issues

OK as taken from notes 15 September 1989 when Melissa was 1 year old.

Melissa presented at hospital with increasing sensitivity to sunlight. Resulting as a major issue for the family becoming more housebound.  When exposed to sunlight Melissa's eyes stream and there is usually a fit of sneezing which is distressing for everyone.  Special curtains, tinted car windows etc have been trialled none being really effective. Suggestions were made to look at a welders suit-type thing or a pram / pushchair cover as possible solutions. 

Photosensitivity is a major problem - disrupting her home life.