more tips to aid development....
🙂 use music - our daughter loved music - she had her own cassettes and Trade Aid shops often had good easy to use musical toys.
Other things suggested to us were bounce her on the bed, swing her in a blanket. She did have an indoor swing and that allowed me some time for me as well as keeping Melissa happy.
She loved watching balloons, and watching her siblings blowing bubbles.
Let your child splash in water! That was a bit more difficult as Melissa could not spend time outdoors - so we bought a paddling pool and she sat in it with a carer and they would have water play. Another activity she really enjoyed.
I think her favourite messy activity was playing with Dad's shaving cream - she loved it - as you can see by the photograph!!
It often was a challenge to occupy her as she was always wanting to be on the go.
That is about all the list of development ideas. there are a few more we could not do for reasons of her health - am happy to share if you they could be of help!
quotes - sayings - verses that were an important focus
"‘Children and Mothers never truly part
bound in the beating of each others heart.’ by Charlotte Gray
Psalm 139 taken from the NIV Study Bible, Verses 13 –16
‘For you created my inmost being;
You knit me together in my mother’s womb
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Your works are wonderful I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you
When I was made in the secret place.
When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
Your eyes saw my unformed body.
All the days ordained for me were written in your book
Before one of them came to be.’
Yes, it was true for me. You were so beautifully made.
‘I have held many things and lost them but whatever I have placed in God’s hands,
that I still possess.’ Martin Luther
Continuing with development ideas we were given!
🙂this is take 2 - the original disappeared - so hopefully new tips for you!
Use a piano - use the keys for a reaction
When lying on back suspend objects above ie. a broom handle across 2 chairs (tied at each end) is useful. Hang interesting objects within reach
Crumple silver paper or foil
touch ice cubes
Place an easily squeakable toy where hand / foot is likely to touch / drop. This can start to capture interest.
Musical mitts: sew a little bell onto the tip of child's mitts / gloves
Turn baby's face to you so you are face to face. Keep mouth steady and make big eye movements
Look at baby face to face and smile. If she doesn't smile then gently tickle
so have a go and love to hear how it all goes...........all the best till next time🙂