4. Sep, 2013

ongoing development suggestions we were given!

Describe movements when you are dressing the child.

Tell stories.  Tactile input: use scraps of sheepskin, sandpaper, wool etc

Draw attention to new, colurful items, eg. vegetables, packages, magazines etc.

Carry about when possible - promote awareness of sounds, smells etc

Avoid constant radio and T V sound input which drowns out meaningful stimuli.

Introduce to different things early - floor - cold and hard: sounds of bathroom where walls echo running water etc.

Use mashed potatoes, sticky food for tactile awareness. As you can see from the photo we used Dad's shaving cream (after checking carefully its ingredients) Melissa had such a neat time as you can see and we did not have any problem of her putting it near her mouth!  she was really happy playing with this - a very special memory.

Pass jars containing strong smelling substances under childs nose eg vinegar, onion, cinnamon, perfume etc. 

(We could not do the perfume one as perfume made our wee girl vomit.  We found this out quite early on and it meant that was another No No when visiting our home.  The fact it took so long to feed her and keep food down meant we had to be quite strict.)


I am hoping my sharing our experience and these tips we were given can help someone else!

2. Sep, 2013

To continue with suggestions for developing behaviour.......

Encourage pincer grips by giving her practice at picking up tiny objects (again we did find it difficult to find small safe toys for her wee hands).

Most kids begin to drop things spontaneously when they no longer want them.  To  stimulate the child to watch objects fall, take a toy she is interested in and plays with, and slowly drop it where the child can see it.  Return to child and repeat several times.

Play with paper

Stimulate looking by using a pendant:  move it slowly in 180 deg arc, jiggling slightly if necessary - stopping or moving it back a little if child loses object.

Toys with sound: call to child from different directions and immediately follow with a gentle stroke from that side of the body.  Place hand on object making sounds (toilet, dialing phone, door shutting, switches, winding clock, vacuum, crinkling paper etc.  Put bells on elastic on wrists and ankles

Stretch parts of body gently and stroke.

Describe movements while dressing child.

I spent 24/7 with our daughter in the first year and she was always being talked to, held and cuddled and even though she ws not vocal - somehow she had a magical way of letting me know what it was she needed.



22. Aug, 2013

suggestions we were given to assist development....reach milestones!

-encourage child to look - by calling out her name

- playing with hands and fingers - move hands together so they touch, intertwine and rub together.  Take apart and rejoin.

- Make hands wave.  Tie bright ribbons around the hands to attract attention.

- encourage child to reach for an object by supporting elbow.

- ensure child has plenty to look at - prop her up and move frequently.

- allow child to mouth objects as much as possible.  Encourage mouthing by stimulating lips etc with toys of varying shape and texture and by moving child's hands containing toy up to the mouth.  (We did find it hard to find small, light toys and not so small they could be swallowed).

Demonstrate to child - she needs to imitate you.

Show child a variety of objects.  Let her reach out and handle them.  Call to her across the room and encourage her to follow your movements.


7. Aug, 2013

We made it! 1 year old............

🙂one year old -we were so happy. A rocking horse was our special gift to Melissa and she did love to snuggle her head into it's mane. We all took turns supporting her have fun on her horse. It was well worth it for all the smiles.  Happy memories. Our challenge continued to be that Melissa was not happy to just lie or sit - she wanted to be part of the action and we had always been a busy family.

A concern I felt was could Melissa see properly? and could she hear?  Looking back these were questions that were never really addressed... though I am certain when she was lying on the floor she reacted to the vibrations of the children playing the piano...by enjoying it!  She enjoyed all music.

Her vision was affected by bright light and we needed to keep her shaded from bright lights with curtains pulled etc car windows darkened as well once we realised the full extent as to her body's reaction to bright light. Special sun glasses were made for her whenshe was about 7 years old..

29. Jul, 2013

words of wisdom -

Throughout our journey I kept looking for the positive- I guess I needed hope and I treasured everyone and everything that allowed me to be positive...I would like to share some special sayings that became important to me.

When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy. - Kahil Gibran

The adventure of life is to learn - The purpose of life is to grow - The nature of life is to change - The challenge of life is to overcome - The essence of life is to care - The opportunity of life is to serve - The secret of life is to dare - The beauty of life is to give - The joy of life is to love   - William Ward