This is so amazing looking back - our wee girl and family was assisted by so many services and agencies...we could never thank them enough.
I feel it very important to share those amazing supporters - again a big thank you - in no particular
Accident & Emergency, Palmerston North Hospital, ACROSS Social Services, ADNET, All Saints Church, City Doctors, The Correspondence School, CCS Manawatu Horowhenua, Continence Nurse, Dieticians, District Nurses, Dressmaker, Early Intervention
Team, Ear Specialist, Eye Specialist, Friends, Family, Family Doctor, Gingerbread House, Grant Irvine Pharmacy, Hospital Stores, Kimberley Needs Assessment Service Levin, IHC MidCentral, Karitane Unit, Lavender Blue Nursing and Homecare Agency,Our Local Member
of Parliament, Manawatu Standard, Manawatu Toy Library, Mobile Hairdresser, Music Therapy, Neonatal Ward, Neighbours, Neurodevelopmental Therapist, NZDRC (now Enable), Occupational Therapists, Optician, Orthotics, Options in Community Living, Paediatricians,
Parent to Parent, Plunket, Podiatrist, Pre School Support Teacher, Psychologist, Samaraitans, Secondhand Shops,Social Workers, SouthEnd Cycles Levin, Social Welfare, Special Education, Speech Language Therapists, Teacher Aides, Ward 3 Palmerston North Hospital
and Willie Weavers, Feilding.
We were so blessed to have your support while caring for Melissa. Thank you.